Vampire Hunter D Wiki
"Franz Weaver was one of the best engineers on Mars, but everyone was expected to be a jack-of-all--trades. It was the key to our survival."
Cecile RomaniMessage from Mars|[src]]]

This is a vocation and acknowledgement either through certification or tested education formally or informally that shows an individual possesses skills across almost all known trades and picks up skills of new trades very quickly. This is essential for building a colony according to the Revolutionary Government who trains and hand picks individuals for building these colonies on different planets or remote areas of Earth that are cut off from the main society or hard to reach so that they will thrive. There are people across the Frontier who seem to have this knack for many trades enough to be considered a jack-of-all-trades.

All colonists can be considered this having been chosen because they show the most defining and highest level in almost all known trades needed to thrive in society. Franz Weaver, and Cecile Romani are prime examples.
