Vampire Hunter D Wiki

Sacri is a village where humans continue to live  under the Nobility. The village has an abundance  of grain, so the perople there never want for food. This is part of the Rose Princess's domain, and the village is protected from armed brigands and supernatural threats alike by The Four Knights of the Diane Rose.  The knights also enforce the will of the  Princess, who ocassionally demands on of the villagers to feed on. Those who disobey are impaled by her knights on the Road of Stakes. The villaige is also home to a rebellious gang og young bikers led by a girl named Elena. D comes to Sacri to let the witch doctor Mama Kipsch know the fate of her grand son, but becomes embroiled in the conflict between the Princess and the villagers.

Land Tsunami[]

A fearsome occurrence on the Frontier that crushes everything in its path and churns the debris high into the air. When one formed near the village of Sacri, it was none other than The Four Knights of the Diane Rose that arranged for the entire community with the Rose Princess's technology to sink deep into the earth temporarily to protect the village inhabitants.
