Vampire Hunter D Wiki
Talison Jaffe at Anime Expo 2015
Vhd the Series at anime expo 2015

Talison and The Team assembled at Anime Expo 2015

Talison Jaffe is an American voice actor, former child actor, ADR director and scriptwriter. In the project VHD: Resurrection he is creative consultant. He along with (Producer) Kurt Rauer and (Producer) Scott McLean of Unified Pictures who are co-producing Vampire Hunter D: Resurrection with Japanese CGI animation studio Digital Frontier head up the project. He starred in anime roles, such as R.O.D the TV and Hellsing, and co-directed Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad with Christopher Bevins. He, Amanda Winn-Lee and Jaxon Lee recorded commentary tracks for the English DVD release of two Neon Genesis Evangelion classic films. Jaffe also wrote many articles and spoken as guest lecturer at universities and libraries.
